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Juniper Berry Essential Oil 10ml

Sale price $21.24
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Juniper Berry Essential Oil 10ml

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Renny Sheehy
Juniper Berry is an acquired smell.

I use this oil mixed with other ones and it’s really pleasant - the scent is strong.

Maja Babic

Very nice fragrance but really really faint.
Needed to add double the recommended number of drops to my diffuser to achieve a very subtle scent that was unfortunately only noticeable when I put my head over the diffuser

Hi Maja,
Juniper Berry actually has quite a strong scent....for the scent to be as subtle as you suggest, (and you've said this for all the oils in your order, making me question these things even more).
1. Your diffuser may need a really good clean. If it's not vibrating fast enough, it won't disperse the oils as well as it should.
2. If you've been using essential oils (or fragrance/perfume) consistently you may have become sensitized. Ie. You've overdone it and need a break.
Either way, we do offer a money back guarantee. You're welcome to email: and Maria can advise you of our return policy :)

Jessica B.

A beautiful sweet woody aroma. Great to cleanse and purify the air in your home and to remove negative energy! One of my favourite oils! My go to oil to cleanse my crystal collection and myself 🥰

Wendy Y.

So berry nice! Seriously it is

Lynette S.

Besides using this oil for it's benefits/uses on the physical, I use it as an oil for protection ( negative energies aren't too fond of it 🤗). Though it's a recent switch to this company... so many out there; and aromatherapy an absolute passion of mine for my own uses for over two decades, Love Thy Oils is now the only company I will buy from.

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