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It's the course we wish we had when we first started out......we're here to dispel all the myths, show you everything you need to know to use your essential oils safely and effectively.
With 40 informative videos and step by step instructions taught by an Australian Qualified Aromatherapist, you'll be confidently using your essential oils in no time.
You'll learn:
1) Overview of essential oils.
The history of essential oils, how they're extracted, how to choose a quality brand.
2) Safety.
It may not be the most exciting topic, but it's definitely the most important.
3) Using your oils.
Now the fun starts! We cover different ways to use your essential oils to get maximum benefits.
4) Pregnant?
Essential oils can be a wonderful tool to help throughout your pregnancy, although there are some best avoided. It's all covered here.
5) Essential oils and children.
Our little people can benefit so much from essential oils. Learn how to safely incorporate them into your young ones routine.
6) What about your pups?
This section is all about your cats & dogs. It's important to understand how essential oils effect your pets to keep them safe.
7) Getting to know your oils.
An indepth resource detailing 26 of the most common essential oils.
8) Carrier oils.
Just as magical as your essential oils. We look at the properties of carrier oils and show you how to choose the best carrier for your needs.
9) DIY.
Recipes and tutorials galore. You'll have switched out all your toxic cleaning and beauty products for beautiful home made, non toxic options by the time you're done.